It’s Simple: You Don’t Pay Unless You SAVE!

There Are NO Up-Front Fees

You won’t pay us a DIME unless we file a tax grievance on your behalf and save you money on your property taxes. Simple as that!

How We Get Paid

Once you hire us to grieve your property taxes, we will go through the process of researching your area and then filing a formal complaint with Nassau County. We show them all our evidence that you qualify for a reduction on your property taxes.

Once they agree that your property taxes should be lower, we wait for the public announcement of that year’s tax rate to determine exactly how much you save. We will then send you an invoice at our discounted rate of 35% of your savings, and you will have 30 days to pay your bill or to make arrangements to pay.

Your Exemptions Do NOT Get Factored Into Our Fees

Your exemptions, such as Basic or Enhanced STAR, Senior, or Veterans exemptions, will be factored into your savings and our fees are calculated AFTER taking those exemptions into account.

If Your Assessment Does Not Get Lowered – You Don’t Pay!

And your taxes NEVER GO UP as a result of grieving your current assessment – they only get lowered or stay the same.