What is the Level of Assessment?

Your town/city/county etc. looks at what they believe is your property’s market value (that’s their assessment) and assign a percentage of that value – which is your ‘level of assessment’.

What is an Assessment and How Does It Affect Property Taxes?

Your assessment is the $ amount the local government assessor believes your property is worth. This is determined based upon the average market values of the properties in your area. This $ amount affects the tax rate that gets assigned to your home, as well as your neighbors’ homes and everyone else in your area.

If successful, when will the assessment reduction begin to appear on my tax bills?

For the 2026/27 tax year, a successful assessment reduction may be reflected in 2 possible ways:

1. If the reduction is implemented before the tax bills are issued, it will be reflected on the October 2026 School Tax bill and the January 2027 General Tax bill.

2. Alternatively, if the reduction is implemented after the tax bills are issued, it can be reflected by way of corrected tax bills and/or a refund of over payment.

Would a decrease in my assessed value result in a lower tax bill?

Not necessarily!! As tax rates are often increased annually, your actual tax bill may not be reduced. A reduction in your assessed value will mean you will pay less property taxes than if your assessed value stayed the same. A grievance has nothing to do with your tax rates. Property Tax Drop cannot challenged tax rates, only your assessment value.

What are Unequal Assessments?

State law requires that assessments must be made at a uniform percentage of fair market value. Many homes in Nassau County are assessed too high relative to market value, making them unequal to homes assessed fairly.

Are the Results Permanent?

No. Currently, assessment values are reset every year. Your AV cannot increase by more than 6% each year, unless there is a home improvement.

Can Refunds Be Obtained For Past Years?

Unfortunately, no. They will only consider adjustments for the upcoming tax year. Currently 2026/27 is the only tax year that you are able to initiate an appeal on.

Is anyone from your office or the County going to inspect my property?

No, NO ONE will be coming to your home or property as a result of filing a grievance.

Can My Assessment Be Increased Because I Grieve My Taxes?

No, it is your RIGHT to grieve your taxes! Your assessment will ONLY ever be lowered or stay the same.

How Can My Assessment Be Increased?

There are four reasons your assessment might increase:

  1. A county may choose to conduct a county-wide re-assessment of ALL properties if they believe they have a reason to collect more in taxes
  2. You make an assessable improvement (you build, remodel, etc.) to your home
  3. You are no longer eligible for an exemption
  4. An outstanding permit is closed

Should I bother filing a grievance if my County assessment seems low?

Even if your assessment seems low, it’s worthwhile to file a tax grievance every year. Why? Because the School and General Tax rates are being raised every year. If you do not file a grievance, you have NO way to protect yourself from the endlessly growing tax rates.

You successfully reduced my property tax assessment last year; does that mean I don’t have to file again this year?

It’s your right to challenge your assessment EVERY YEAR, and we strongly recommend you do so! You are guaranteed to pay more next year if they raise the tax rates and you do not exercise your right to challenge their assessment. Protect your right to a fair assessment.

Since I received a reduction last year, I probably won’t get one this year, right?

Wrong! You could potentially receive a reduction year after year after year. As long as we have sufficient evidence, we can lower your assessment again and again.  We have many clients that receive a reduction every year.

What happens to my tax grievance if I go into contract/sell my home?

If you are going to sell your home, it is critical to obtain the purchaser’s signed acceptance of an assignment of your tax assessment reduction agreement. Your real estate closing attorney can do this and we can provide you or your closing attorney with the appropriate form(s) for the purchaser to complete the assignment.

Having a pending tax assessment appeal is a great selling point to make to any potential purchaser, as the buyer will know that you have taken steps to ensure they will not over-pay their taxes. Of course, in the unfortunate event that a deal falls through and you own the property for longer than anticipated, having a pending tax appeal protects your right to a fair assessment.

Case transfer ensures that the party who receives the benefit of the savings (i.e. the buyer) is the one who pays the fee. If you sell the property and do not make arrangements to transfer your tax grievance to the buyer, you will remain responsible for the fee.

What Are Your Fees?

We charge NOTHING up front! There is no fee to sign up. If we are successful, we would invoice you our discounted rate of 35% of your total property tax savings. If we are unsuccessful in reducing your property tax burden, there is no fee!